Apply Different User Profiles to Clients and User Groups

Before you can apply different user profiles, configure the SSID for the network. For more information, see Configure the SSID for a Standard Wireless Network.

With user-profile assignment rules, you can assign clients to user profiles that match all configured conditions. The available conditions are as follows:

  • Advanced Guest Policy
  • Client OS Type
  • Client MAC Address
  • Client Location
  • Schedule
  • Cloud Config Group

This task is part of the network policy configuration workflow. Use this task to apply different user profiles to clients and user groups as part of a network policy.

  1. Go to Configure > Network Policies.
  2. Select an existing policy, and then select Edit, or select Add.
  3. After you save the Policy Details, select NEXT or 2 Wireless.
  4. Under User Access Settings, select Apply a different user profile to various clients and user groups.
  5. Select Select menu to choose an existing user profile, or select Add to add a new profile.
  6. To add an existing user profile assignment rule, select Select a user profile assignment rule.
    1. Select one of the existing rules.
    2. Select Link.
  7. To add a new user profile assignment rule, select Add a user profile assignment rule.
    1. Type a Name for the user profile assignment rule.
    2. Optional: Type a description.
    3. Select Add and choose a category.
    4. Complete the configuration for the selected category.
    You can add multiple assignment rules to create more granular control.
  8. Select Save.